I wonder how many people like me have thought for a week or so about starting their own blog, post for just two weeks and then abandon ship. Maybe two weeks from now I'll wonder why I ever thought this was a good idea and my time would be better served watching Netflix.
So why am I not watching Netflix this very moment? (Always a valid question.) One, work frowns upon it-- and probably this. Two, I enjoy writing. Some go so far as to imply I might have a natural aptitude for it. In the event they're right, perhaps I owe it to them to hone my craft. To what end, I don't know. But saying you're honing your craft sounds impressive and ambitious. I'll claim it.
I also figure that if I tell all my friends and family about this, that family/peer pressure to keep producing content will force me to keep coming here and not be like that other Jerk Mike who already claimed the name and address to my intended blog title, Mike's Odyssey. Mike's Opus doesn't carry the same heft, but opus also starts with the letter O. It's a well rounded letter, and opus is far easier to spell. I ought to know, I initially tried to spell my intended title o-d-d-y-s-s-e-y. Incorrect. Maybe Jerk Mike is more deserving of it than I after all.
I don't have a set-in-stone vision for the theme and format of this blog. In the here and now, I want it to reflect life, specifically mine, but I hope every one can find a parallel between my life and their from time to time. Sometimes my life is dynamic and exciting. Sometimes it's a casualty of monotony, the daily grind. I suspect my posts will reflect that.
For those of you who already know me, I'm a political beast. I'm sure I'll touch on that here and there, but it won't dominate my blog. I like adventures. They're few and far between, but when I get to go on one, it will certainly be well documented here. I don't want this to be a diary in the traditional sense. Plus, I wouldn't share my deepest, most innermost thoughts in a public forum. Also I don't think I should type a post while in the shower, the epicenter of all deep thoughts.
Lastly, I enjoy music, so I'll probably post some songs by bands I enjoy when I'm too lazy to create something myself. I enjoy sports, so I'll rant about why the laundry I root for is better than yours. (Ironically, I hate Seinfeld.) I'll try to be creative sometimes. I could write a mean haiku in middle school. Whatever I post, I'll try to keep it a near daily occurrence to hone that craft.
Plug: Stay tuned as I recount an amazing camping trip I took in New England with my Dad.
Ever see that movie Mr. Holland's Opus? No?! Well, you should do that instead of reading the ramblings of a bored dude. Here's a sneak preview before you make better use of your time: It's about a man's overall body of work that spans the course of decades. I chose to have opus in my title because of Jerk Mike and as sarcastic nod to the statistical likelihood this blog's life will be short and fleeting.
But who's to say I won't buck the trend? Maybe myself, my family, friends and some bored kids in Zimbabwe will look back 20-30 years from now and see an opus that spans decades; maybe it's to become a body of work that opens doors, builds bridges and show the journey and growth of a man.
If not, there's always Netflix.
you're officially a better writer than me.