Full disclosure: I'm a liberal and caucus with the Democrats. I tend to side with Obama on most things and think his predecessor was inept, to put it mildly. That said, I'm not blind to the faults and failures of any politician and party.
Today, the smart money is on Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2017. She hands down comes with the most name recognition of any candidate. Love her or hate her, you know of her. If one puts a premium on experience, she's nearly impossible to beat. Yale Law School graduate, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, Senator, presidential candidate, Secretary of State and now a second run at the White House. Clearly, she's been around and intimately knows the game.
So by extension shouldn't she know the rules, the law?
The New York Times, who first broke the story, shows, "Under federal law, however, letters and emails written and received by
federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered
government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional
committees, historians and members of the news media can find them."
For those of you who've been living in a cave the past few months, then Secretary Clinton exclusively used a private email account housed in a server kept in her private residence to conduct all official Department of State business. Once this became public knowledge, some 30,000 emails magically disappeared.
Please, again observe the above aforementioned law. Did she break it? Clearly.
She claims they were personal emails regarding planning her daughter's wedding and making funeral arrangements for her mother. That doesn't pass the bullshit test. No one's personal life is so robust they accumulate over 30,000 personal emails in four years. It's painfully obvious she deleted emails pertaining to her official business as Secretary of State.
It's wrong; it's corruption; it's hardly presidential material-- it's bull shit.
Now America's clear front runner to occupy the White House plays by her own rules and explicitly breaks the law. If Vegas is to be believed -- and the house always wins, doesn't it? -- the person who will inevitably be in charge of executing the law flagrantly taunts us by not following it herself.
Hilary Clinton, our heir apparent. Charming.
But let's not forget than just eight short years ago Clinton was viewed by most as a shoe in the win the Democratic Party nomination and an inexperienced Senator armed with nothing more than a rousing speech from four years before came out of obscurity to claim the nomination and the presidency.
She didn't pass enough people's sniff test in 2008. Who's to say she'll get a free pass from her own party now?
It's unfortunate. I like the platform and planks Clinton claims to support. She says much that makes a lot of sense to me. But I just can't make myself like the person. She's corrupt x 30,000+ emails. My gut doesn't trust the person, and I'm hoping my party is wise enough to relegate her to another cabinet position again, this time forcing her to do the simple task of emailing within the parameters of the law.
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